When ancient Egyptian kings, European queens, religious prophets and modern scientist come together on an issue, it’s probably worth hearing out. Although today we have more access to information than ever before, we still have a lot to learn from history.
From Hippocrates and Cleopatra, to King Tut and the civilizations that followed, a strange commonality they shared was the value they placed on a certain herb.
That herb is no other than black seeds.
So we decided to go ahead and learn for ourselves, and for our readers, in order to bring to light all the rumored and admired benefits of black seed oil.
You may know black seeds from a variety of different black seed oil names, depending on which part of the world you’re in. Here are a few of the more popular black seed oil names:
- Kalonji Oil
- Black Cumin Seed Oil
- Nigella Seeds
- Habbatus Sauda
- Graine De Nigelle
- Black Onion Seeds
- Schwarzkummel

22. Cures Psoriasis – Caused mainly by inflammation, Psoriasis is an unpleasant condition of the skin that millions are affected by worldwide. Since black seed oil exhibits anti-psoriasis properties, it thereby benefits primarily diseases caused by inflammation. This makes it for a great natural alternative to many of today’s prescription recommendations for psoriasis.
Simply consume the oil or capsule orally daily to see results. You can also rub some directly on affected areas.
23. Treats Eczema – Suffering from Eczema can be a painful experience. Finding that much needed relief can be hard, which will make you appreciate black seed oil that much more. Eczema is caused by, you guessed it, inflammation. This causes unpleasant red rashes to show up and cause swelling throughout the body.
Using black seed oil for Eczema is one of the most preferred natural alternatives to treatment today. Simply consume 1-2 teaspoons daily for immediate relief.
24. Aids in Weight Loss – Black seed oil’s weight loss effects stem from it’s blood sugar lowering properties. On top of being a natural antioxidant, it also aids in speeding up your metabolism and lowering your appetite. This especially helps when trying to gain back control of your diet.
See more on black seed oil for weight loss.
25. Prevents Diabetes – What made black seed oil for diabetes such a powerful natural remedy? It’s ability to significantly lower blood pressure and help both insulin and non insulin dependent diabetes patients. It’s not only for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, but it’s helpful in improving your overall blood health.
26. Black Seed Oil for Seizures (Epilepsy) – Most of today’s medication and treatment for seizures come with a long list of side effects (that’s if you’re one of the few with access to treatment). Luckily for you, black seed oil is an effective anti-convulsant. This makes black seed oil an effective treatment for Epilepsy.
Some studies have shown seizure free behavior in patients who took black seed oil daily for 4-6 weeks along with their current medication. Many researchers have concluded that this was mainly due to the potent effects of thymoquinione found in black seeds.
27. Relieves Tonsil Inflammation (Acute Tonsillopharyngitis) – Black seeds have been proven to relieve users from throat pain caused by inflamed tonsils, and alleviate the need for pain killers. Studies prove it to be one of the most effective natural remedies for throat pain. They’re also a great natural remedy for sore throats.
28. Efficient MRSA Treatment – Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MSRA) has plagued hospitals and treatment centers worldwide due to the fact that staff infections are becoming more and more resistant to generic antibiotics. Caused by a weak immune system, the anti inflammatory agents of black seeds make it a great alternative to many of today’s antibiotics. Of all the infections that black seeds are known to help treat, this is probably one of the more important ones.
More problematic for elders (since it involves surgery in some cases), MSRA can be harvest a lot of uncontrollable pain throughout the body. The upside is that studies have shown black seed oil compounds to be an effective way to inhibit the spread and remove MRSA altogether.

29. Opiate Addiction Treatment – Using black seed oil to treat opiate addiction and withdraws is another proven effective benefit of black seeds. In studies it has proven to rapidly improve the symptoms of acute opiate withdrawals. Additionally, it was observed that black seeds prevented relapse in some cases as well.
30. Black Seed Oil for Scars – Whether they’re post surgical or not, black seed oil makes a great remedy for clearing scars away. It is one of the only few natural herbs that have been proven to remove & heal scars permanently.
31. Suppresses Cervical Cancer – Another cancer that black seed oil has been proven to be effective in treating is cervical cancer. Mainly due to the thymoquinione it contains, studies have shown that it helps in boosting white cell count and suppressing the cancer cells from reproducing.
32. Prevents Radiation Damage – Studies show that black seed oil that was used on patients who were exposed to gamma radiation had far less damage than ones who didn’t consume any. The conclusion showed that people who had radiation exposure could treat and prevent damage with black seeds.
A significantly stronger immune system was found on patients who were consuming black seed oil. There are also studies that prove black seeds to be helpful for cancer patients undergoing radiation treatment.
33. Prevents & Heals Lead Poisoning – Known as one of the most toxic sources worldwide, lead can interfere with a number of your body processes and can cause harm to your heart, intestines, kidneys, nervous system, bones, and even your reproductive system. Research has shown that black seed oil has been effective in protecting and reversing damage done to the brain due to lead poisoning.
34. Improves Beard Growth – Studies have shown that black seed oil can improve the thickness and quality of your beard and increase the growth rate. Although not it’s primary benefit, you can apply it directly on your beard and it will provide moisturizing benefits as well.
35. Treats Bee and Wasp Stings – Crushed black seeds mixed with water are an effective natural remedy for bee and wasp stings. Simply rub on the affected areas and repeat this twice a day.
36. Helps with Chest Congestion – Simply rub black seed oil on your chest to remove and clear up congestion and buildup. It’ll work wonders when mixed with honey. You can also opt to take them orally as well.
36. Helps with Chest Congestion – Simply rub black seed oil on your chest to remove and clear up congestion and buildup. It’ll work wonders when mixed with honey. You can also opt to take them orally as well.
37. Treats Earaches – Black seed oil mixed with olive oil (1/2 teaspoon each) that’s warmed and dripped into the affected ear is a natural way of getting quick relief from ear pain. You should place a hat or scarf over the ear after dripping for 2 minutes and let it sit.
38. Effective for Eye Diseases and Vision – The oil is also used to treat eye infections as well as improve eyesight and vision. It has also been used by many to treat their pink eye infection. To do so, one should gently rub some oil around the eyes before going to sleep. Can be taken daily for quicker results.
39. Cures Facial Paralysis – When suffering from facial paralysis, black seed oil can be a great treatment for curing it altogether. Simply place a small amount of black seed oil in a container and hover over it with your nose, gently sniffing above the surface of the oil. Take 10-20 deep breaths and repeat daily.
40. Heals Nasal Congestion – It’s also helpful in treating nasal congestion and build up. It’s arguably one of the fastest natural remedies for nasal congestion out there, and one of the more popular uses of this awe inspiring herb.

41. Removes Gallstones – Taking black seed oil for gallstones is a sure way to reduce the pain and remove the gallstones altogether. The potent anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties in black seeds make it ideal for treating gallstones naturally.
42. Suppress Liver Stones – Similarly like gallstones, liver stones can also cause immense pain and have costly side effects when taking the prescribed mainstream medication. The properties of black seeds reduce and suppress liver stones until they’re completely removed. Take daily with honey for better results.
43. Help with Gas and Flatulence – Black seed oil aids in your body’s indigestion, thereby helping you control your gas. It’s also proven to be useful in relieving stomach stress and gas buildup.
44. Treats Hemorrhoids – A painful congestion rooted problem with few treatments available, hemorrhoids can be painful to experience especially when considering the side effects of most of today’s’ hemorrhoids prescription medication. Black seeds on the other hand offer immediate relief, and studies have shown it to actively prevent the spread of hemorrhoids.
45. Relieves Headaches and Migraines – Another more notorious benefit of black seed oil, using it to treat headaches and migraines is one of it’s most praised uses. For centuries, Arabs and Europeans have used it by applying it around their eyes, nose, and forehead. This gave them immediate relief from the throbbing pain, and it can do the same for you.
46. Boosts Immunity – You can also use black seeds to improve your overall immune system, thereby improving your body’s defense mechanism and protection to bacteria. Since most of today’s common ailments are caused my inflammation, black seeds make a perfect herb to tackle many diseases that people suffer today.
47. Aids in Breast Feeding and Lactation – Not only does black seed oil help you breastfeed by improving lactation, it can also be used for nipple skin protection when applied prior to breastfeeding.
48. Improves Memory (Dementia) – Research has shown that black seed consumption enhances your memory, cognition and attention. It’s recently been proven to increase sharpness and even improve your ability to remember both short and long term.
49. Treats Moles – One of the less known skin benefits of black seed oil, they can help in the removal of moles by repressing their development and clearing up your skin.
50. Relieves Insect Bites – Whether you were recently bitten by mosquitoes or any other insects, applying black seed oil on the affected area can help relieve pain and itchiness instantaneously. This is one of the more prevalent uses of black seed oil, and it’s arguably one of the best natural remedies for insect bites.
51. Heals Peeling Lips – Can also be used as a an alternative to lip balm, the essential oils found in black seeds are proven to help regenerate the skin on your lips as well as give it it’s radiant color.
Also read: Green Tea Extract Benefits
52. Constipation – Similarly to how it helps your digestion, it also aids in relieving constipation. Just take daily (1-2 teaspoons) after your lunch or dinner and repeat daily for immediate results.
53. Comforts Back and Muscle Pain – You can reduce the need for painkillers for your back and muscle pain by applying black seed oil right on the points of pain. You will instantly feel relief as the powerful compounds go right to work.
54. Cures Rheumatic Pains – The potent anti-inflammatory agents found in black seeds make it one of the most efficient natural remedies for rheumatic pains. Take daily (1-2 teaspoons) with honey for maximum relief.
55. Helps with Stomach Pain – For most stomach related pains and issues, black seeds are a great natural remedy for quick alleviation. It’s one of the more well known benefits of black seeds and is still used worldwide today. Take 1-2 teaspoons daily after meals for quick results.

56. Alleviates Gum Infections – Particularly Gingivitis, black seed oil is one of nature’s most potent natural remedies for suppressing and healing gum infections. The anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties found in it have proven to clear the gums from bacteria and provide immediate pain relief.
57. Suppresses Bladder Infections – You can find relief and a cure for most bladder infections by taking black seed oil. Specifically urinary tract infections, which is a more common bladder infection, can be treated effectively with daily consumption.
58. Improves Dry Mouth – To treat a try mouth, simple take a 1-2 teaspoons of black seed oil and keep it in your mouth for 30 seconds. Let the oil touch as many areas before spitting out (if not swallowing). Then wash down with a strong drink to remove the bitter taste.
59. Treats Nose Bleeds – A more traditionally known use stemming from the hot summers in the middle east. black seed oil can cure nosebleeds simply by putting a few drops (1-3) into your nostrils. Then sit back and feel power of this natural herb.
60. Rejuvenates Burns – Applying black seed oil on burns has proven to aid in the healing and reproduction of your skin (specifically 2nd degree burns). Simply rub some on burned areas for immediate relief from pain and clearing of the skin.
61. Dandruff – Not only is black seed oil great for your hair, but it also promotes hair follicle growth and even prevents dandruff. All you need to do is apply some to your hair and leave on for 30-60 minutes.
62. Joint Pain – Of the more popular benefits and uses, treating joint pains with black seed oil is a sure way to get immediate relief. Since most of joint pain is caused by inflammation, it makes a perfect natural remedy for it. You can apply it directly onto the skin of the pained area.
63. Prevents Kidney Damage Associated with Diabetes – On top of being great for diabetes and lowering blood pressure and sugar levels, black seed oil also prevents kidney damage that stems from diabetes. The underlying reason for this is due to the potent compounds contained in the nigella sativa extract that’s known as black seeds.
64. Regulates Menstrual Cycles (Periods) – It also plays an important role in managing and treating a variety of different gynecological disorders. From leucorrhoea, menses discharge and white discharge to uterus problems, stomach pain, and even sexual weakness. It is especially useful for regulating the menstrual cycle after the stoppage of the menses.
65. Black Seed Oil for Pregnancy – Although it is strongly recommended to consult with your doctor on an individual basis, there have been some studies that show positive results when taken during pregnancy. However there has not been enough concrete evidence to draw any conclusions, especially since in some cases it can affect the smooth muscle contractions of the uterus.

66. Alleviates Arthritis – Black seed oil has proven in numerous studies to be highly efficient in treating rheumatoid arthritis and other highly flammable conditions. Once again this is due to the powerful anti-inflammatory properties of black seeds which makes it such a potent natural remedy.
67. Treats Ulcers – It’s one of the most dynamic natural herbs that treat ulcers, making it only part of a handful. Multiple studies have proven black seed oil to be effective in treating ulcers of all types.
68. Reduce the Need for Pain Killers – In many cases, black seed oil can substitute some of today’s most common painkillers. The anti inflammatory properties it contains make it ideal for treating pain throughout every inch of your body.
Also Read: Benefits of Fish Oil
69. Kills Brain Cancer Cells – Black seeds are great for controlling and suppressing tumors and cancer cells in your brain. Groups of researchers have concluded that black seed oil is a legitimate natural remedy and treatment for brain cancer and brain tumors.
70. Lowers Anxiety – We know that inflammation has negative effects on psychosis and many other psychiatric problems. Studies have shown black seed oil to be far more effective in stabilizing your mood and lowering anxiety levels after daily use for 30 days. This has led many to recommend anti-inflammatory treatment instead of anti-depressant drugs for helping easy anxiety.
71. Helps with Depression – Multiple studies have shown people who had taken black seed oil were naturally happier and less depressed. This black seed oil benefit is among the most valuable, as millions are suffering from depression which can ruin lives.
Very few herbs tackle psychological issues, making black seed oil that much greater.
72. Removes Dizziness – Although this benefit comes from history, it’s still a useful and effective remedy. Black seed oil is known to help with dizziness and all you have to do is rub some on your neck and cheeks.
73. Treats Heart Burn – Another great benefit of black seed oil is that it’s a natural remedy for heartburn. Although there has only been a few studies to support this, history lets us know that it’s been used for treating heart burns for years.
74. Relieves Stress – Black seed oil has been proven to be effective in reducing stress levels, as well as many other cognitive benefits. The studies showed that when the oil was taken, subjects had significantly lower stress levels than the rest who hadn’t taken any.
75. Prevents & Treats Alzheimer’s – There have been numerous recent studies that revealed black seed oil being an excellent natural supplement for preventing and slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s disease in individuals. Results showed that taking daily doses (1-2 teaspoons) yielded best results.
76. Meningitis – The potency of this marvelous herb has even proven to be useful in the treatment of meningitis. Some studies have shown that it’s one of the best natural remedies for treatment known to date. Simply take 1-2 teaspoons daily for relief.
77. Promotes Kidney Health – From kidney disease to kidney stones, black seed oil has proven to be an effective natural alternative for treatment. Consume daily (1-2 teaspoons) for optimal results.
78. Improves Sperm Count – On top of improving fertility in both men and women, black seed oil also boosts semen count for men. Based on multiple studies, research shows that it can improve abnormally low semen counts in only 2 months when taken daily.
79. Promotes Healthy Bone Marrow Growth – Research has shown black seed extract to increase the bone marrow cells’ growth rate by an astonishing 150%. This is according to numerous studies conducted on multiple people. What’s even more amazing is that it’s shown to inhibit the growth rate of nearly all tumors by at least 50%.
80. Treats HIV – The use of this marvelous oil has been a useful tool in the fight against HIV/AIDS. According to recent studies, black seed oil has proven to be extremely effective in the treatment of HIV. This natural alternative has offered relief to many suffering from the horrible symptoms. In some cases, it only took 6 months for the HIV strain to be completely wiped out the bloodstream. On top of that, it stayed gone too.
81. Natural Remedy for Colic (for babies) – Having a child that’s suffering from colic can be a really stressful time in your life. Although the cause of colic is still generally unknown, what is proven is that black seed oil has been proven to be an effective natural cure. It’s important to start with small amounts and increase gradually. The ideal situation in this case would be to make some tea with honey, lemon, and a few (3-5) drops of black seed oil.
82. Suppresses Bronchitis – Of all the respiratory conditions that black seeds treat, it’s especially been efficient in the treatment of bronchitis. This again is due to the powerful anti inflammatory properties they contain. Simply take 1-2 teaspoons of the oil daily for best results.
83. Repairs Prostate Problems – Prostate health is a big concern for millions worldwide, and finding healthy ways to improve it can be a stressful challenge. Luckily, black seed oil has been used for centuries to regulate and promote prostate health. Studies have shown it to also be effective in the treatment of prostate cancer.
84. General Weakness (lethargy) – Many of us experience emotional and mental lows in our lives, on top of the physical ones. For a boost in spirit, energy and overall mood and health, nothing beats black seed oil. It’s one of the most potent natural remedies known to improve overall state of health, both mental and physical.

85. Removes Chronic Fatigue – Running on the previous, it’s also been efficient in the treatment of chronic fatigue. Although the causes for it vary, researchers concluded that black seed extract is helpful in re-energizing the body.
86. Stimulates Urine Production – Another benefit of black seed oil is it’s ability to stimulate and promote urine production. Prostate and bladder issues have been treated for over 2,000 years with this awe striking herb, and studies have recently affirmed those benefits with clinical results showing major improvement in prostate health and function.
87. Protects Against Damage from a Heart Attack – Today we know that one of the major reasons why we have heart attacks is due to chronic inflammation. Research has shown that black seed oil can significantly lower inflammation as well as improve many other cardiovascular problems.
88. Helps with Morphine Dependence/Toxicity – If you or someone you know is suffering from opiate addiction, know that black seed oil has proven to reduce tolerance and overall addiction. It accomplishes this by lowering indications of morphine intoxication.
Also read: Argan Oil Benefits
89. Prevents Anemia – Many of us are at risk of blood deficiency (anemia), and it can put our bodies and health at serious risk. Once again, black seeds come to the rescue; they’ve been known to prevent and treat anemia, removing it completely in many cases and studies.
90. Protects Brain Damage from Parkinson’s Disease – The thymoquinone extract found in this wonderful herb has been proven to protect neurons in our brain against synaptic toxicity (which is caused by a pathology related to Parkinson’s disease and dementia).
91. Cleanses Parasites – Known for it’s anti parasitic properties, black seeds extract is a great way to clean your body from parasites, wherever they may be. It does this by intoxicating the parasites and making them easier for the body to destroy.
92. Treats Obesity – Since obesity is usually associated with increased incidence of immune dysfunction, insulin resistance, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases, black seed oil makes a perfect natural remedy for the cure. It has proven to contain anti obesity properties in may studies conducted by researchers worldwide.
93. Kills Oral Cancer Cells – Studies have shown black seed extract to be very effective in suppressing oral cancer cell reproduction and even curing it altogether in some cases. It does this by improving the overall health of your immune system and damaging the resistance of the cancer cells.
94. Suppresses Liver Cancer Growth – Another benefit of black seeds is that it also suppresses liver cancer growth naturally. When comparing to all the side effects from modern medicine, it’s important to note the tremendous value this natural remedy offers when it comes to the treatment of liver cancer.

95. Promotes Liver Health – In conjunction with the previous point, it also promotes overall liver health and boosts function and immunity. It’s a great idea to take it if your family history has experienced problems with their liver.
96. Remedies Pancreatic Cancer – It’s also been proven to be effective in the treatment of pancreatic cancer, making it one of the only natural remedies to have such positive impacts on so many different cancers.
97. Treats Lymphoma – Lymphatic cancer (another name for Lymphoma) is a painful disease that affects millions worldwide. There have been numerous studies that show black seed extract to be efficient in the removal of lymphatic cancer cells. Research tells us to take daily servings (1-2 teaspoons) for best results.
98. Detoxifies Body – Toxicity is a major concern for many, and finding a natural way to do it can seem impossible. Luckily, black seed oil has been used for detox for years, and studies prove that it can lower toxicity levels throughout the body significantly.
99. Treats Bone Cancer – Another great remedy of black seed oil is it’s ability to suppress bone cancer cell growth and inhibit it altogether in some cases. It’s a nice natural alternative to the harmful medication that modern medicine prescribes millions of people.
100. Deep Cleans Pores – One of the results of a weak immune system is the buildup of excess sebum which clogs up your pores. Simply consume orally or apply onto affected pores after a hot shower for best results. You will see an immediate improvement and your pores will be fully clear within 2 weeks of daily use.
101. Treats Schizophrenia – Far from both being last and least, the thymoquinione in black cumin seed oil extract is beneficial for reducing inflammation and helping you treat schizophrenia. Studies have shown an improvement in patients who have taken black seed oil as a natural remedy when compared to those that haven’t.

Concluding Summary
It’s easy to see that the number of benefits black seed oil has to offer can overwhelm some while exciting others. While you might think it’s impossible for a natural herb to provide such treatment for so many different diseases, what we do know is that the facts speak for themselves.
The amount of value that’s offered in exchange for almost nothing is what amazes most people.
Just the thought that pharmaceutical companies are raking in billions in developing long treatment cycles for most of the ailments discussed above is sickening to many.
Not only that, but finding effective treatment with the limited options provided by most health insurance companies can be very difficult (and that’s not counting the harmful side effects most modern treatments have).
Luckily for you, you now know 101 benefits, uses and cures that black seed oil can treat and cure.
What’s even better than that is that you don’t even have to leave your kitchen to find relief.
This magnificent herb will remain in our books to be one of the most potent and effective natural remedies known to man.
Where to Buy Black Seed Oil
You can find black seed oil online as well as your local pharmacy/herbal store. It comes in the form of capsules/pills, and in the form of black seed oil.
Where to buy the best organic/cold pressed kind? There are plenty of local options, and online too.
Share your thoughts below: What do you use black seed oil for?
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